28 December 2006

unseen war

so i found this group on flickr and just had to share it. these people are incredibly creative, not to mention there are some really good photos. it makes me really want to take a photography class and create adventures of my own. right, sharon?

check it out

25 December 2006

18 December 2006

fantastic bumper stickers

i saw this one yesterday:

some more i found online:

and finally, my favorite...

so so late

Happy birthday wishes to:

my sister-in-law, Lacey!!

and my father, I love you!

sorry these were so late getting to the web. but i love you both!!

07 November 2006

god hates shrimp?

so i ran across this site and i could not believe what i saw. okay, i could believe it, but that doesn't mean i wanted to. it's stuff like this that makes me understand why people have such an aversion to anyone who calls themself a Christian.

if you go to the site, you'll see people holding signs in protest that read "God Hates Shrimp!" and next to them, you'll see them holding up signs protesting gays. now, i'm not 100% sure as to whether or not this is supposed to be a serious site, or a funny one, but either way, i don't find it funny. no wonder non-believers view christians as arrogant and unloving. how are we showing people God's love by telling them He hates something?! news flash: God does not hate shrimp. yes, in the old testament, he commanded the jews not to eat shrimp. he also commanded them not to eat pork, and not to eat a lot of other things. there were even commands about how to wash your hands and things you had to do if you came in contact with a dead animal, and lots of other things. my question is, why harp on shrimp?

my in-laws are messianic. that means they believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, but they choose to follow all the old jewish customs. they don't eat shrimp, or pork. but they also don't enforce on all christians that the way they do it is the only right way. i mean, come on, people! what really matters here? does it matter that all people not eat shellfish, or does it matter that we are supposed to show the whole world Christ's love? doesn't it matter that at the heart of everything, that at the core of our faith, we believe the same thing? shouldn't the only thing that truly matters is our belief that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that He conquered death when He rose from the dead, and that He is the only way we can be saved? how will the world know how wonderful and awesome our Savior is if we keep ridiculing everything thing they do or believe?

here's something else that has been on my mind recently. what if instead of calling others names and making fun of them, whether they can hear us or not, we extended love and grace and mercy to them? what if we accepted them, just as they are, the way Christ accepts us, dirty and filthy with nothing to offer? what if we treated homosexuals as equally sinners, just as dirty as we are with our own performances and unfaithfulness to our Savior? what if we talked to them as a normal human being, asking how their life is, instead of condemning them and acting like we are better than them? because, in all actuality, if they aren't believers, they have no obligation to do what is right. because we as believers aren't better than them, we are worse than them, because we know what is right and still don't do it. i know i need to not do certain things, or need to do certain things, and while fully knowing what course of action is asked, no, required of me, i choose to follow my own selfish ambitions. when did it become okay for christians to condemn people? if there is no condemnation in Christ, where did we get permission to do that? it is not our job as believers to change people, because you know what, we can't change people. God is the only person who can change a person.

God deosn't hate homesexuals, or murderers, or rapists, or theives, or any other sinner(that means everyone). God created us. God also created shrimp. He loves us, he doesn't hate us. He doesn't hate anything he created. sin is sin. period. in some people, their sin is just more evident to people at a glance. but we are all sinners. every last one of us. believers and non-believers. young and old, male and female. we need to stop jumping all over each other, stop making fun of each other, stop bruising each other, and stop treating others as if they have the plague.

a common saying in Christian circles is "hate the sin, not the sinner". while i believe that we should hate sin and not people, we still need to love and accept people just as they are. instead of only hating the sin in other people, we should first hate the sin in our own lives, before we worry about hating sin in other people's lives. i know for me, if i follow my own advice, it will probably take me my entire life to hate my own sin, all of my own sin. that's why i've decided that i'm not even going to bother with trying to hate the sin in other people's lives. the only sin i should be concerned with is my own, or if i see one of my brothers or sisters living blatantly in sin. but i'm still supposed to first and foremost love them. sorry if i'm being redundant here, but this is something that's been on my heart for a long, long time, and i want to make sure i'm communicating it correctly. please let me know what you think. or let me know if something wasn't clear.

i'm going to stop now before i exhaust myself and get myslef too worked up(though it may be a little late for that).

31 October 2006

to my beloved...


i am so blessed to have you in my life!! you are the most wonderful man i could have ever asked for! i am so lucky that i get to spend another one of your birthdays with you! have a happy day!!

new 'do

so i got my haircut today. i've been wanting to get it cut for quite some time now. i was really nervous, but at the same time very excited. see, i found a short haircut that i likes, thought was cute, and also thought matched my personality. the thing is, i haven't had short hair since the fifth grade. i know, right? it's about time! but i am also a little attached to my hair. everyone tells me how beautiful my long hair is. but i decided to go ahead and get it cut. the girl who did it did an awesome job. check it out:

my new 'do from the front, taken inside the salon....

.....and a view from the back.

this is most of my hair that was cut off.

and here i am, in the car, loving the rock 'n' roll!!!

let me know what you think of the new style!!

05 September 2006

i have a job!!!

in case you couldn't tell from the title.....


i am the producer/director for the highland park scots varsity football radio broadcasts!  the first game was saturday, and it went fairly well. it was part of the Tom Landry Classic, so it was kind of a weird game, production wise. it started late, ran late, and we were having all sorts of technical issues. but all in all i think it came off very well.

this is the first year they are having radio broadcasts for the games. it's also the first time i've ever had this exact position. sure, in college i did some remote sports production, but i was the audio operator, not the director. i was baptized by fire, if you will. i'm very glad it was a wierd game for my first one, because if i can handle that fiarly well(which i think i did), then the rest of the season shouldn't be so hard.

as far as what i'll be doing after football season, i don't know. but i do know that this is a great launching pad for me. i've been trying to get a production job for over two years and it finally happened. the Lord is so good! and since this is only a friday night gig, i can still get a part-time job somewhere else during the week! i'm so happy!

01 September 2006

happy happy birthday

today is my sister's birthday.


i hope you get plenty of rest and do whatever the hell you want to!

28 August 2006

moving in (almost)

the apartment is done!!!!!


everything is built, painted and carpeted, with the exception of bookshelves in the half-walls. the only thing left is the electricity. that still needs to be hooked up. and hopefully that will be happening this weekend.

now what you've all been waiting for. pictures of the new pad.

first, the "front door" to the apartment throught the laundry room (which i recently mixed a color for and painted).

next is the bedroom. we have sheets and throw pillows with the dark and light brown, and found paint to match almost exactly.

next is a closer look at the ceiling fan in the bedroom. the one in the living room is the same, but the blades are reversed to the red wood. oh yeah, and the painter's tape has been removed(the bedroom picture above has no painter's tape in it).

now the living room

now a look at our walk-in closet

yes, it is orange. and it's my favorite room in the apartment. here's an inside look

the white shelving goes nicely with the orange, i think.

so anyway, there is our new pad. i'm really pleased with the way the painting turned out. enjoy!

23 August 2006


i just wanted to say....


hope you get to enjoy today and relax with your beautiful family!

i miss you!!

21 August 2006


i'm an aunt!! again!! Killian Elijah Rudd was born on august 17, and is as perfect as can be. check out my sister's blog for photos and all the stats. Killian, your aunt katie and uncle josh can't wait to see you!!!

in other news, the apartment is nearing completion. all the walls are painted, carpet is put down, and most of the baseboard is in. the last things are building the shelves in the closet and half-walls, putting in closet rods and baseboards in the closet, then hooking up the electrical. now that the carpet is put down, we can go ahead and move in some of our stuff; like our tv, futon, chair, that sort of thing. hopefully the last few things won't take too long and we can be completely moved in there!! oh, to have our own space again!! so happy!!

other interesting happenings at the house, we have a mink. yes, the kind coats are made out of. no, not as a pet. actually, this little mink has been killing off the chickens. we've lost 15 birds in less than two weeks. the game warden came out today, so hopefully we'll finally catch the little thing. pretty as anything, but when he's killed about half your flock, time to take action.

in other news, my church has started a grief support recovery group. it started this past wednesday, and i went. it was really good. it's led by a guy who works at the center for christian counseling here in north texas, and it was really neat. everyone there has a different story. i'm going back this week and plan to keep going back.

nothing concrete on the job front, but i may be getting an interview to do some high school football remote shoots. we'll see. i think it'd be a lot of fun, but who knows.

that's it for now. more to come soon!

12 July 2006

interesting story

so i found this story online today and it really made me think. read it over and let me know your thoughts.

23 June 2006


so the garage apartment is coming along. the next step is to have an electrician hook everything up. then cleaning the walls so we can texture the walls, painting, installing the last half-wall, finishing the closet, then carpeting. after that josh and i can move in and have our own space. well, at least a bedroom and living room. we still have to go into the rest of the house for the bathroom and the kitchen. not too bad.

living in the garage apartment will give us an idea of the size of place we would be able to afford in nyc. granted, a kitchen and bathroom will be packed into that same space, but it will give us an idea. i'm so excited. i'm going crazy in that tiny little room we're in. yes, dad, i know, short trip.

on another note, i had an interview with jackFM, one of the radio stations here in dallas. i would love to work for this station, considering it's about the only station i listen to anymore. i won't hear anything for another week, though. the job is only part-time, but it would be a lot of fun and add some experience. and i also got a call from a production/video company. haven't been able to get ahold of them yet. maybe i'll be able to catch them sometime next week. *sigh* keep calling until i get a response.

oh, if anyone feels the need to buy me a video camera, i'm currently praying for a canon xl2. in case anyone was wondering.


this was supposed to be posted on the 19th.....


and one from the day before that....


07 June 2006


ok, so it's a couple days late, but that's what happens with lack of internet service.

Happy 21st Birthday, Eli! now you can drink while obeying the law!! whoo-hoo!

01 June 2006

the last stand

so i went to see X3: The Last Stand, opening day. well, actually i got to see it the very first showing at 12:01 a.m. it was a lot of fun. there was this group of kids sitting in front of us. they had someone take their picture before the movie started. i just couldn't resist, i had to get in the shot. the girl whose camera it was was really cool about it. she sent me the picture.

it was a really fun time. obviously it wasn't a deep intellectual movie, but it was definitely fun.

05 May 2006

starbucks accident photos

okay, so as promised, i have photos from the accident. there are too many to post in a blog, so i'm giving you a link to check out one of my photo sets on flickr. just click on the photo and you'll get there.

02 May 2006

i see judah!

well, it is my niece's birthday. she's 3 years old today. wow. it's hard to believe it's been three years already. i love and miss her so much. happy birthday, judah!! your aunt katie and uncle josh love you!!

29 April 2006

harpy birfday

happy birthday wishes to my brother, kyle!! the big 3-0 is upon you!! i love you, big brudder!!!

interesting happenings at starbucks

so, i haven't been online much in the last week, and there's a funny story as to why.
well, maybe not so funny.

josh and i have an account at starbucks. you know, the t-mobile internet account. that's usually how we get online, by use of that service and our powerbook laptop. well, we no longer have a working powerbook. we also have not had a fully functional starbucks, the one josh works at, to go to to get online. sure, we can go to basically any starbucks and get online, but that's not the funny part.

last week, on thursday, april 20, 2006, josh was minding his own business up at his starbucks. he was not working, but had taken the laptop up there to get online. suddenly, the chair he was sitting in is turned about 90 degrees, the laptop thrown from his lap, and him facing a ford expedition now parked entirely inside the store. oh yeah, his store does not have a drive-thru.

that's right, an suv drove through the glass and into the starbucks store, making a complete mess of half of the store. luckily, the only person remotely in the way of the expedition was josh, and the chair he was sitting in took most of the blow from the vehicle, followed by his body.

we think the car may have hit josh's leg, and obviously because his chair was suddenly turned, his body is quite sore. his hips kinda got twisted, and his back is still real sore. the only other injuries he or anyone else received were some cuts and scrapes due to flying glass.

this event is totally a miracle. the suv busted through many tables and chairs, and went straight through the bar and settled in the back corner of the store. i usually sit at that bar. i never move from that bar except to go to the bathroom or leave. the sinks and sanitizer are located behind the bar, as is the coffee grinder and some other things for store use. it is a rare occurrence that nobody is in that area, whether behind the bar, sitting at it, or in front of it. the exact moment the expedition came crashing through was on such rare occurrence.

apparently the driver was experience a seizure as he came crashing into the store. there have been various reports as to where he came from, but i don't think we'll ever really know what happened before he came crashing into the store.

i'll post more later on this, with my own pictures i took when i went up to meet josh after he told me what had happened. he's doing okay. he had to miss a week of work because of injuries, and now we're dealing with the driver's insurance company for medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. that's quite a headache. prayers in this matter would be greatly appreciated, especially since we may need to get a lawyer. the important thing is josh is okay, no one got seriously hurt, and only the driver was taken to the hospital, mostly due to the seizure and not the crash itself. i will leave you with a picture from one of the news websites.

tag, i'm it

okay, so bethany tagged me. here goes nothing.

four jobs i've had
* lifeguard (at pools, waterparks and waterfronts)
* camp staff
* florist
* retail third key associate (it's a management position

four movies i can watch over and over again
* high fidelity
* someone like you
* ocean's 11/12
* center stage

four tv shows i watch
* csi
* without a trace
* everyday italian(when i have cable, or have access to cable
* friends (it's still on television, just not new episodes)

four places i've been on vacation
* nyc
* orlando
* boston
* galveston

four dishes i never get sick of
* dinner plate
* glass
* salad bowl
* cereal bowl
okay, i'll be serious
* anything chick-fil-a
* chipotle soft chicken tacos
* fajitas
* steak, especially my daddy's

four websites i visit daily(more like whenever i can get online)
* yahoo!mail
* myspace
* blogger/blogspot
* flickr

four places i'd rather be right now
* nyc
* los angeles
* anywhere in italy (please, oh please)
* asleep in bed

four people i tag
* josh
* kristen
* lindsay
* cat

18 April 2006

apples and oranges

anyone who knows me well knows that one of my favorite places (even though i've only been there once) is new york city. the big apple. the alphabet city. it's been almost a decade since i visited nyc for the first and only time (so far, anyway). i absolutely loved it. in fact, any time i see a movie or television show set in new york, especially ones that are actually filmed there, i get this fuzzy feeling. the city really seems to have an emotion about it. i've wanted to move there for a few years now.

josh and i have been talking. we both know we don't really want to stay here much longer. this summer, funds permitting, we're planning a trip to the west coast, a place neither of us has been. well, i went to seattle on a mission trip, but we've never been to california. we want to go to the los angeles area to check it out. basically, we're going to try to decide whether to move to nyc or the l.a. area in the next couple of years, when we have the money to move.

i've been looking for jobs in the new york and los angeles areas. the thing is, the stuff i'm qualified for is either lo/no paid. that'd be fine if josh or i already had a job lined up out there. hopefully one of us will find something out there in the time frame we are looking at. until then, i'm still looking for any opportunities to work in the the entertainment industry, paid or not. if you know of anyone who needs a production assistant, or anything technical in the movie/television/radio world, let me know. give them my name, too.

31 March 2006

more ramblings

i've been thinking a lot lately about what i would do if i could do anything i wanted. money, abilities, location, and all those other things that get in the way wouldn't be a factor.

i've always had an interest in many different things. i think that's why it was sometimes hard for me(and still is, to a certain extent) to stick with just one thing. i don't like quitting, or giving up on things, but it's more like i either get bored with something or i just have an interest in many things and it's too hard to do them all at once.

i really enjoyed(and enjoy) the radio/tv production stuff. i mean, it was my major, i have a degree in it, i stuck with it for 2 years. but i've also been mostly out of it since i graduated, not finding a job in the field and not having my own equipment to keep working on it.

i've been obsessed with the entertainment industry probably since before i could walk. i don't really remember that far back, but as long as i can remember i've been interested in television, movies, music, acting, the technical aspects, the performance aspects, the creative, inventive, and artistic parts that make up the industry. I acted all throughout middle and high school, and even did double-duty my junior and senior years, doing both tech theatre and performance. i loved all of it. i still love all of it.

i guess i decide to go more the technical route because that was something i saw myself not getting bored with. i didn't know a lot about technical things, and, let's face it, you can take all the acting classes you want and it still won't make you a good actor. i consider(ed) myself a good actor, and have been told by several people i am such, but i didn't want to end up hating the process because of some jerk professor or it becoming too much work and no longer fun. plus, my tech theatre teacher in high school said "for every 100 people who want to be in the spotlight, there's only about 1 person who wants to run that spotlight." that's something i've always remembered. not that i couldn't make it in the spotlight, but i had a better chance being behind it. and that could get my foot in the door to being in the spotlight.

i also enjoy writing. i've had one of my poems published, i write songs, and i enjoy just letting thoughts flow from my brain to paper. but i haven't written like that in a long time. i am thinking of taking a creative writing class at community college this summer/fall. either way, it's something i want to do more of.

anyone who knows me knows that i love music. i absolutely love it. all kinds. some more than others. some on only an appreciation level. but i still love it. my husband calls me a human jukebox. almost any song that comes on the radio i know some, if not all, of the words to, and 70% of the time i know the artist. i play guitar, i sing. i can actually see myself being a professional musician. just how do i get started?

a new area of interest has become photography. i have a digital camera that's a pretty decent one for it's limitations. i've had people comment on the photos i've taken. and the comments have been good. i have always enjoyed taking pictures. from the old polaroid camera we had, to disposable cameras, to my digital, taking pictures has always been fun for me. a photography class would be fun to take, to hone my skills, if not for a career, at least for a really enjoyable hobby.

reading through all this, i've begun to wonder when it was that my drive for this stuff slowed down. i used to be a lot crazier than i am now. that may be hard to believe for some, not so for others. i feel like i've let my creativity slip away from me. that crazy creativity is still in me, i can feel it, i know it. but it's getting harder and harder to show. i think when i moved up to this area right before my senior year is when it all started. i had no friends, no sense of belonging, and no idea how to deal with it. nobody knew me. it was a different culture up here, especially at my high school. if i was truly my crazy self, it would have made me fit in even less than i did. i didn't make many friends my senior year. i didn't want to let go of houston, and the others didn't want to let me in. it was really hard for me.

community college was a really good time for me. i met some of my closest friends there, met the many i would marry during that time, and felt much more freedom to burst out of my shell. i started writing more songs, and did things that i loved. then i transferred to UCF. while that was the school i wanted to go to, again i was going to a place where i didn't know a soul. i stayed in my apartment most of my first semester, and a lot into my second, because i didn't know how to go out and meet people. i thought "i'm only going to be here 2 years, i have a boyfriend, why get attached to something i'm going to be leaving behind?". i look back now and wish i had gotten out more. i crawled back inside my shell once more.

i've decide to let myself out again. it's not going to be easy, but it's something i have to do. i'm still trying to figure out what to do with my life. i'm 24, i've still got the whole world ahead of me. my wonderful husband is very supportive and wants me to be happy. now i just have to figure out what that is. is it the entertainment industry? is it something else? i don't know. i just don't know.

25 March 2006

eventful few weeks

so i have been neglecting my blogging community. a lot has happened in the last couple weeks and i've wanted to blog about it, but the stories so needed the pictures to go along with them. i'll start with last thursday.

i went to lunch with sharon and lindsay. we went to stuie's, a kosher restaurant in dallas/richardson area. i think that's where it is. here are sharon and lindsay, respectively.

we had a blast. we acted like little kids playing with our food. here are some examples:
lindsay had fun with the lemon from her water,

sharon thought a celery moustache would be cute

and i thought i would try to smoke a french fry.

so we were having a good time, then sharon started to not feel so well. allergies or something. i caught her sneezing on camera with my continuous shot feature. here it is:

okay, so we were just having fun with the coleslaw. i guess we were being a little too loud, because the manager kept staring at us, probably hoping we would shut up. i decided to take a preemptive strike and shut myself up.

needless to say, we had a lot of fun. i left that afternoon to go down to houston to visit my dear friend bethany. we had such a good time. we went to the waterwall near the galleria. here's a few pics of the place, both during the day and at night. when we were there at night, there was this really cute couple and i got a priceless, if a little cheesy, picture.

after the waterwall we went to katz's deli, a kosher-style deli in h-town.

we ordered the most amazing dessert after dinner. it's called "strawberry therapy". oh. my. goodness. it was one of the best things i've eaten all year.

we devoured that thing like nobody's business. after dinner we went back to bethany's house and had margaritas.

okay, so we just put promised land chocolate milk in margarita glasses. there's no better way to drink it.

so, that was last week/weekend. my birthday was this last thursday, the 23rd, and josh took me down to waco to the dr pepper museum. but i'll save that for another blog post, once i get the pictures up from that.

08 March 2006

wish list

ok, so my birthday is coming up on the 23rd of this month and i've been thinking about things that would be nice to have. a lot of them are way too expensive for us to afford right now, but this is a wish list, so i'm gonna put whatever i want on it.

a canon XL2 video camera
a trip to italy
a video ipod
a chi hair straightener
a loft in new york city
the complete series of friends
x-files seasons 1-4, 7&8
csi seasons 2-whatever is out right now
a new nissan xterra
a house
a new digital still camera, a nice one
a record deal
another acoustic guitar
the new watermark album
a lot of different CDs that i've wanted for a long time
tons of movies that i can't even begin to make an actual list
an unlimited supply of dublin dr pepper
a trip to los angeles

well, that's all i can think of off the top of my head.

06 March 2006

and we have a name.....

this is the moment you've all been waiting for. the reality show has a name.

the votes were counted. then al gore demanded *coughs*, excuse me, requested, a recount. the absentee ballots had to be gathered and logged and the ballot commission had a problem determining voter intent due to dimpled chads.(and pregnant chads)(and hanging chads)(and other assorted chads)(if your name is chad, i'm very sorry)

all that said, the producers had a meeting and studied and analyzed the results, and we scientifically found the name for the reality show.

*drumroll please*

WAGON WHEEL MANOR!!!!!!! *crowd stands and cheers, applauding the winner as he makes his way to the stage to receive his oscar* wait, wrong award.

thanks to all the voters and all those who gave their suggestions. it really was a close race. now, once the other half of the production team is done with work, and the equipment is fixed, filming shall begin. i know you all can't wait.

02 March 2006

fun name game

don't ask where some of these came from. oh, and apparently i would be a hispanic woman in a star wars movie. who knew?

Katie Elizabeth Treadwell's Aliases

Your movie star name: Cupcakes Merle

Your fashion designer name is Katie Florence

Your socialite name is Fudge Face Nyc

Your fly girl / guy name is K Tre

Your detective name is Tiger Klein Forest

Your barfly name is String Cheese Raspberry Margarita

Your soap opera name is Elizabeth Lawn Arbor

Your rock star name is Rock Candy Cheetah

Your star wars name is Kattup Trejos

Your punk rock band name is The Pondersome Straw

01 March 2006

free at last


is my last day

of work


can you tell i'm just a bit excited about that? well, if you couldn't tell, i am very excited. no more getting up at 5 in the morning to go to work. ahh, sleeping in past sunrise! i can't wait until tomorrow.

somebody asked if i was going to miss it. my answer: not really.
do i enjoy lifeguarding? yes.
do i enjoy working here after being out of college for nearly two years? no

i guess there is one thing i'm going to miss. other than a paycheck. see, there's this older couple (it's a senior citizen pool of course) who come in just about every tuesday and thursday during the free swim time. the husband doesn't get in the water, but his wife does. they treat each other so well. she has to walk with a cane. he walks her to the locker room and opens the door for her. while she's changing he gets the water equipment she'll use and sets it on the side of the pool. then he sits and waits for her, always with a smile on his face. while she's exercising, he'll go into the senior center, but always makes it back before she gets finished. when she get out of the pool, he's waiting by the pool stairs for her, ready to wrap a towel around his wife. he escorts her to the locker room once again, then puts away her equipment.

watching the two of them, i can really see how much they love each other, and the way they serve each other is so evident. it's given me a picture of what a good marriage is in your senior years. i hope josh and i are like that when we're their age.

other than that couple, there's not really much i'm going to miss. i am still very glad it is my last day at work! here's to goofing off at home for awhile!!!

17 February 2006


alrighty, folks, voting has been extended for another week. the voting commission decided it was only fair to let all persons living in house of said reality show to vote. anyone who comes upon this site is welcome to vote as well. we have narrowed the selection down to five titles. they have been edited as the producers see fit. even if you have voted before, please vote again based on these final selections:

house, unincorporated
dude, where's my room?
wagon wheel manor
of chickens and goats and things
nine is not enough

again, these are the final titles. please vote for your preference. the same voting guidelines apply(see post directly below for further instruction). remember, the producers reserve the right to override the final outcome based on their creative vision. thank you.

VOTES ONLY PLEASE!! all non-votes will be deleted. thank you
-the ballot commission

03 February 2006

reality part deux

ok, so it's now it's time to vote on a title for the lund reality show. here are all the suggestions thus far.

wagon wheel manor
house of insanity
life on the lane
surviving the lunds
the real little house on the prairie
of chickens and goats and things
lane of the lunds...and guests
lund lane
dude, where's my room?
nine is not enough
six was enough
little house in the unincorporated section of dallas county

voting will end two weeks from today. how does one vote, you ask? just make a comment with the title you like best. only one vote per person per title. so, if you can't decide between two, you can vote twice, once for each title. i'm not going to post my vote, because i don't want to sway the outcome, but i will also abide by these rules. happy voting!!!

31 January 2006

real american hero

my intelligence quotient is lower today than it was yesterday. why, you ask? because of this:

yes, that's right. we watched g.i. joe, the real american hero, last night. could there have been any more stereotypes in this source for kids' entertainment. the commentary made by those viewing was quite enjoyable, though. of course, with my lower i.q., i can't remember some of the comments made, except for one i made. the indian(excuse me, native american) character on the show was wearing a red shirt. his skin was the same color as his shirt. how wrong is that?! oh, the joys of '80s television programming!

go joe!!!

20 January 2006


ok, so someone suggested that they (no, i don't now who "they" are) make a tv show about life at the lund house. well, being a video major and having an accomplice with a video camera living right across the hall from me, a reality tv show is in the works. i'm looking for a name for the show. any suggestions?

here are a couple i came up with:

Wagon Wheel Manor
House of Insanity
Life on the Lane
Surviving the Lunds

let me know what you think!

18 January 2006

scary sightings at the pool...

....moldy bread

....the return of banana clip hair

....a british male senior citizen in a speedo(!)

it's been a scary day at work today.

fun for the ears

overheard at the Lund house:
"that's what the Last Supper would look like....minus the AK-47s."

my new term of endearment(or insult):
"baseball face!!!"
(seriously, this exact grouping of words was on the side of a building. i took a picture; i'll have to post it later)

during pictionary at lifeguarding in-service (remember, all the items to be drawn somehow relate to the pool environment):
"it's a tombstone!!!"
(i find that one funny anyway)

and now for some random quotes from my neice, judah:

"thank you, dad-dad, chicken food!"
"cold. brr."(said just as matter-of-factly as can be)

08 January 2006

every day

so i just have to say the healing process really sucks. it's nasty, painful, and completely unpleasant. but at the end of it, your wounds are healed, things are restored, your life is better, you are mended.

i'm looking forward to that day when i will be mended, healed. but i need not focus on that day in the future. if i look forward to that day when all will have been made new in me, then i forget to focus on the present day, the healing of that day, the pain i have to sort through and endure as God restores me. so i'm trying to just take one day at a time. to deal with the events of the day, the things God is going to take me through that day, what wounds will be opened, which ones will be closed up, which ones will be redressed. that's all i can deal with is one day at a time.

anyone who knows me knows music is a huge part of my life. i love listening to music, singing, playing guitar, writing music, just about anything dealing with music. you would also know that i love to worship through music. man, do i love to worship that way. i bounce around, raise my hands, dance, cry out, sing at the top of my lungs, kneel on the ground in silence, whatever i can to show God how much He means to me and how much i long to praise Him and truly give him glory. i've been listening to watermark's most recent album, the purest place, a lot lately. the songs on there have been ministering to me so much lately. the last song on the album is called mended. there's aline in there that has recently rung so true with me lately. "You are our healer, You know what's broken. we're not a mystery to you." it's so comforting to know that we don't baffle our Creator. He made all who we are. He is the one who heals us. and He is the one who knows what needs to be mended. His love is perfect. nothing is forgotten.

today is my mom's birthday. she would have been 55. as my dad says, she would have been the speed limit. today i remember my mother. i hurt without her here. i miss her so much. i know one day i won't hurt so badly. today i celebrate her. she was an amazing woman and i was blessed to even have known her. and blesed beyond anything i could imagine to have had her as my mother. i love you, mom.