in case you couldn't tell from the title.....
i am the producer/director for the highland park scots varsity football radio broadcasts! the first game was saturday, and it went fairly well. it was part of the Tom Landry Classic, so it was kind of a weird game, production wise. it started late, ran late, and we were having all sorts of technical issues. but all in all i think it came off very well.
this is the first year they are having radio broadcasts for the games. it's also the first time i've ever had this exact position. sure, in college i did some remote sports production, but i was the audio operator, not the director. i was baptized by fire, if you will. i'm very glad it was a wierd game for my first one, because if i can handle that fiarly well(which i think i did), then the rest of the season shouldn't be so hard.
as far as what i'll be doing after football season, i don't know. but i do know that this is a great launching pad for me. i've been trying to get a production job for over two years and it finally happened. the Lord is so good! and since this is only a friday night gig, i can still get a part-time job somewhere else during the week! i'm so happy!